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Our approach to any project is a partnership. We work alongside project stakeholders and organisational representatives to support and enable a positive experience for all. At Presynct, we are a small and dedicated team with a large reach. We are flexible to deliver the best outcome for each client’s unique needs. We care about what we do, your people and your organisation. We look forward to the opportunity to work alongside your team to successfully define your workplace strategy and support the project through the transition to a new way of working.
We work with companies across Australia and internationally looking to make a change to their workplace. Presynct have broad experience in both the public and private sector in companies large and small.
Whether you are at the outset of your workplace discovery or ready to transition your people to a new environment, Presynct can help.
Many organisations want to take advantage of flexible working and explore how they can reduce their physical footprint and achieve a cost saving. If you have an expiring lease or think you are running out of space or your workplace needs are changing, now is the perfect time to engage a workplace strategy consultant.
Our clients
To name a few
Workplace Strategy (26 projects)
Workplace Change (19 projects)
Over 33,748 people engaged
Over 25,703 people engaged
397,072 sqm of workspace
282,587 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy (3 projects)
Workplace Change (4 projects)
973 people engaged
830 people engaged
5,442 sqm of workspace
5,442 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy (4 projects)
Workplace Change (3 projects)
28,630 people engaged
566 people engaged
1,561,660 sqm of workspace
13,015 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy (3 projects)
Workplace Change (3 projects)
795 people engaged
2,859 people engaged
2,784 sqm of workspace
54,498 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy (1 project)
Workplace Change (1 project)
40 people engaged
40 people engaged
450 sqm of workspace
450 sqm of workspace
Workplace Change (1 project)
10,000 people engaged
244,444 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy (2 projects)
Workplace Change (2 projects)
11,135 sqm of workspace
11,135 sqm of workspace
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
26 jobs
19 jobs
Over 33,748 people
25,703 people
397,072 sqm
282,587 sqm
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
3 jobs
4 jobs
973 people
830 people
5,442 sqm
5,442 sqm
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
4 jobs
3 jobs
28,630 people
566 people
1,561,660 sqm
13,015 sqm
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
3 jobs
3 jobs
795 people
2,859 people
2,784 sqm
54,498 sqm
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
1 job
1 job
40 people
40 people
450 sqm
450 sqm
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
1 job
10,000 people
244,444 sqm*
Workplace Strategy
Workplace Change
2 jobs
2 jobs
11,135 sqm
11,135 sqm
We help clients to rightisize their workplace resulting in financial and cultural benefits
Presynct designed and delivered a robust change management programme, actively engaging employees to drive awareness, increase preparedness and build excitement for the workplace refurbishment.
Presynct consolidated 11 workspaces (58,000 sqm + 4,500 employees) into five workspaces (39,000 sqm) supported by new ways of working. This was modelled to result in significant savings in leasing costs over the next 12 years whilst supporting significant improvements to organisational culture and effectiveness.
Not only have Chevron Business and Real Estate Company (CTBRES) successfully implemented a flexible and standard workspace design which meets the needs of the diverse business units as well as the next generation of employees, they are now perceived as partners to the operating companies that can add value to their operations.
Over 15 months, Presynct successfully transitioned a prominent Government agency’s Brisbane employees to an activity-based working (ABW) environment. It’s a shared space, featuring a choice of settings to support a variety of workstyles and activities. There are no dedicated or assigned seats.
Over 15 months, Presynct successfully transitioned the Engergy Infrastructure business’s Brisbane employees (including a 24/7 operations centre) from a fixed desk environment to sharing model (homezoned teams).
“Lisa and Alix, are genuinely one of the most dynamic and effective teams I have ever worked with. I learned a huge amount about human change management from them but what was equally impressive was how much I learned about presentation (both written and oral) and persuasion, from them. It’s a pretty humbling experience when you’ve worked in an industry for a long time and think you’ve seen it all, to have two people come along and challenge so many of your accepted “wisdoms”, so successfully.”
John Moore | CTO Queensland Audit Office
“Lisa’s proven approach proactively reaches out to key stakeholders across the business, using her passion and interpersonal skills to get them to the table. She demonstrates competency using a formal, structured, collection of user requirement information, and she earns the trust of the stakeholders by demonstrating exactly how user needs and preferences were ultimately refined and incorporated into the strategy, approach and design… Lisa will always be at the top of my rolodex under Office Change Management. Her work ethic is off the charts, and she has never let me down.”
Tim Koehn | Project Manager, Chevron
“Our previous space (traditional open plan) was segregated and separated. In our new Agile Pilot (ABW), we get to choose the setting most suitable for the work activity we are doing – for example for normal work we would sit at a desk but for more collaborative work, we can use different settings (booth, couch) or more focused work we can use a quiet room or focus pod.”
QGAO pilot employee
“Their work ethic is off the charts, and they have never let me down.”
Chevron employee
“Presynct uses a structured collection of user requirement information, which earns the trust of the stakeholders by demonstrating exactly how user needs and preferences were ultimately refined and incorporated into the strategy and design.”
Chevron employee
“For us the project was a huge success because of the change team that supported our vision.”
Thiess employee
“Thank you for a great workspace! A lot of effort went into a smooth transition, and this made me feel like a valued employee.”
DESBT employee
“Our previous space (traditional open plan) was segregated and separated. This space has helped us think about doing things more efficiently and collaborating with teams we haven’t in the past.”
HPW employee
“Overall, the team has done an amazing job. 444Q was the absolute pits and it's great to see the organisation investing in the work environment for their people.”
Public Trustee employee
“The new work setup is awesome. The lockers are really good, and with a decluttered workspace, I feel more productive. The technology is seamless and it feels good to have a proper café area. Overall, new workplace is just amazing. Well done to all involved.”
QAO employee
“We love the flexibility, the ability to move around. It’s a great space, we have the right tech, On the move team have made it so we can work in any site at anytime”
APA Darwin employee
“Thank you for a great workspace! A lot of effort went into a smooth transition, and this made me feel like a valued employee. Overall, project communications have been frequent and informative. Really appreciate the extra effort.”
APA Brisbane employee
“It’s a beautiful office. Everything is functioning well. It was a very smooth transition to the new office.”
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