workplace strategy and change specialists

creating workplace

What does the future of work look like for Australia and globally?



It’s no surprise the office dynamic for most organisations has changed as a result of COVID and the shift to hybrid working. We know that a physical space that brings people together is a critical pillar for a thriving workplace, but how do we best utilise it and bring the buzz back to the office environment? Presynct is having the conversation.


Interested in what is being said and the issues that get people talking when it comes to the current workplace landscape and the future of work? Presynct share our insights below.

Lisa Copland - Presynct Workplace Transition

Tips for managing workplace change

A new work environment should never just be about the physical space changes (e.g. from offices to open plan). Truly successful change only occurs where you manage the physical, virtual and behavioural changes needed for people to successfully work in a new space. It should not be thought of as a workspace project – it…

Technology to enable mobile working

Travel tips for work on the go. Guest Blogger – Jess Caire

Today’s workspaces are changing – constantly. Technology means we are more connected than ever before… but there is still a need for business travel. Like many of you, I spend a lot of time at the airport. Living between two states means that I am on a first-name basis with the Virgin lounge staff in…


How change helped me reignite my passion

Last year, after 20 years as a high flyer in the international consulting industry, I faced a situation I never had before.  The company in which I was a 20% owner fell apart, my major client project got cancelled, my family had to move to the other side of the country and I had to…


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